Waterway & Environment

The extension and maintenance of Germany’s federal waterways for purposes of transport, water supply and flood protection, as sources of energy and water and for leisure and recreational activities have had and still have a major impact on the natural habitats of animals and plants. At the European and German level, objectives have been defined in the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) to restore the good ecological status of natural flowing waters and/or the good ecological potential of heavily modified or artificial bodies of water.

We draw on our hydraulic engineering expertise to advise and support the WSV in achieving these objectives as part of its scope of tasks. These involve implementing measures for the restoration of ecological connectivity (e.g. by means of optimised downstream/upstream fish passage facilities), renaturation projects on flowing waters and in floodplains (e.g. by installing technical–biological bank protection measures) and measures within the federal programme 'Germany's Blue Belt' to create a system of interlinked biotopes that makes it easier for animal and plant species to colonise and spread along waterways.

We also contribute the knowledge we have gained from research and development in a number of working groups that deal with ecological issues, for example the working groups of the German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA) or the interministerial working group for the ‘Blue Belt’ programme. In the same way we are involved in the exchange of experience on implementation of the WFD. The BAW also participates in standardisation processes.